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最奪目耀眼的時裝秀 Food in Fashion

Food in Fashion 2019活動的第三年,在大達拉斯餐廳協會於2019年3月18日星期一在達拉斯的Joule舉行,一大亮點是一場時裝秀,展示由15位時裝設計師與15家餐廳合作創作的15種美味時裝,提供精彩的食品時裝秀,炙手可熱的音樂等等,活動更有很多大品牌讚助支持例如Tom Ford、CalvinKlein、Dior、Chanel,所以仍有不少透明度和支持。


(The Original Pancake House) Designer: Jean Estella Designs Model: Lily Washingto

(Royal Cup Coffee and Tea) Designer: Parker Model: Amber Delmare

(The Island Spot) Designer: Designs by KY Model: Penny Hargrove

(i Fratelli) Designer: Ivette Alvarez Custom Designs Model: Sonia Quezada

(La Madeleine) Designer: Ivette Alvarez Custom Design Model: Aneida Gonzalez

(The Original Pancake House) Designer: Jean Estella Designs Model: Lily Washington

2019 Food in Fashion Show Judges

Kristin Assad, General Manager - The Joule Catherine and Mike Sweet, Chief Executive Officer - Ben E. Keith Daniel Mofor, Founder, owner and designer - Don Morphy Privé Clothiers

2019 Fashion 15 Designers

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